August 10, 2019
Brushes And Brunch: An Introduction to Ink Wash Rendering

Catholic University of America
School of Architecture + Planning
Crough Center for Architectural Studies
620 Michigan Ave. NE
Washington, DC 20064
9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
ICAA Member: $45 | General Public: $65 | L’Enfants: $25 | Students: Free with ID
This course introduces the techniques of Beaux-Arts wash rendering. Students will begin by learning the basic skills needed to produce a traditional ink wash rendering of a classical elevation. They will then develop an understanding of the qualities and characteristics of light, shade, shadow, and reflected light, as well as a sensibility for how architectural geometries, forms, planes, and profiles modulate light and shade and subsequently render form apparent. This course is designed to increase students’ command of the formal possibilities of space, mass, form, and profile.
Participants will be creating their own renderings to take home! There will be light brunch bites and beverages provided, as well as all of the necessary materials for the rendering.